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HomeLandguard Point Logo Design

Landguard Point Logo Design

By: Twentytwo 18th Nov 2020

2020 has been a very unpredictable year, and a time of uncertainty and difficulty for many.
Although we have had a successful year, we too have experienced challenges and changes to how we operate and work.

We would firstly like to thank all our existing customers, for their support and efforts in what has been a difficult time. Our main focus has been maintaining our supply to those who support us, and we are wholly grateful for your commitment and trade throughout the year.

In a year where many have had to change, we see this as the perfect opportunity to introduce you to our new logo. Thanks to the help of our graphic designer Prydderch Jones, we are extremely please with our new design and identity.

We have kept several elements of our heritage, this includes the colouring & the beacon design. The Beacon can be found at Landguard Point near Felixstowe. We feel this is an important element to maintain, as identifies our beginning. We feel this beacon design, highlights our efforts to guide our customers and we feel we can offer a safe passage for your timber supply. Another element we have included in the design is the Union Jack. We incorporated this subtly into the beacon.
We felt this highlighted our dedication the UK Market, and a represented our patriotism and focus for the UK Market.

Of course, we have also decided to include a tree design to the logo. We feel this portrays our passion for timber supply. Timber has been the root of our success and continued growth, and we feel it is fit to include our source and pride in our industry to our identity.

Many will notice the inclusion of Group to the logo. This is because we are looking to introduce several Divisions to Landguard Point Ltd. We have fresh products we are looking to bring to the UK market. These new divisions offer an exciting opportunity to our customers. It is important to diversify at difficult times, and we feel this will open doors for both us and our customers.

The final design element we included, was the idea of making the beacon into an Arrow pointing toward the sky. We feel this is an important element. Is signifies again, our dedication to offering a supply with a purpose and direction. But more importantly, we feel this reflects our hope, our hope of moving onwards and upwards after such testing times.

We hope our customers can identify with our new logo, and can appreciate the effort and meanings of the elements of its design. Moving back to our last point, we are committed to moving onwards and upwards, and we hope we can help our customers move in this direction too. 2021 is a year of promise and recovery and we will be there to support you with your requirements.

We hope our customer and suppliers a wonderful Christmas and New Year, and most importantly, stay safe in these challenging times.

Landguard Point Ltd.